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C u s t o m H a n d c r a f t e d T a b l e T e n n i s B l a d e s
b y D.A.b S t u d i o
STANDARD:t15 150X158mm
OVERSIZE: 158X162mm
C-PEN: 153X165mm
SQUARE: 160X160mm
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You may also ask for specific dimensions for any shape or, even better, trace, scan and send us the outline of your current blade and the new one will have exactly the same shape and size.

SQST: 28X23mm
RST: 28.5X23mm
FL: 35X25mm
ANAT: 33X24mm
CON: 30X27mm
C-PEN: 32X24mm
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Every handle is unique!
Each handle is individually designed and crafted by hand not only to compliment the blade's veneers but, most importantly, in order to achieve the desired overall weight.
For this purpose we use solid blocks of various hardwoods which are shaped and hollowed .
Standard length is 100 to 104mm (for cpen is 84mm) and thickness varies according to style and can be adjusted to fit the player's grip (large hand usually requires a thicker handle). For a more personal look, your name can be laser engraved on the handle.

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